Prophetic Insights into 2015
Get ready to possess double for your trouble. Inheritances are being released!
2015 will be a year of a double portion inheritance. God is going to end the warfare of your past season and release a double portion from His hand. He is going before His people and clearing out all the obstacles. Every mountain will be brought low and every valley will be raised up. God is removing plots and assignments that the enemy has set against us. God is clearing them out before we get there. God is making straight and smooth paths before us. The glory of the Lord shall be revealed.
Key Double Portion Scriptures: Isa 40:1-5 and Isa 61:7
I want you to get ready for all things to become new in your life. God is making all things new. He is making our faith new. Our vision new. Our relationship with Him new. Our experience of His presence new. The anointing new. Everything new. God is forming a new wineskin to hold and sustain the new wine He is pouring out. This wineskin will include divine Kingdom relationships and alignments. He is making the wineskin pliable and flexible. Key Wineskin Scripture: Luke 5:37-39
The Lord showed me a vision of a garden being cleared out. It looked like it had big spaces in it. I said, “Lord it looks so empty.” He said, “I am creating space to fill. And there will be a greater fruitfulness and harvest.” If things have been cleared out in your life, God is creating a space to fill. Not everything from your past season will be able to go with you into your next season. Don’t let something good in your life occupy the space that is supposed to have God’s best. Sometimes God needs to clear out good things so He can occupy that space with His best.
He is releasing the oil of joy. He is removing a burdened, heavy, failing spirit and replacing it with expressive praise. Key Joy Scripture: Isa 61:3
God is releasing a new level of divine supernatural favor. Key Favor Scripture: Isa. 61: 2
God is releasing new creative strategies. One word from God will release an abundant harvest in your life. It will flow from a place of divine Sabbath rest, rather than self striving. What produced little fruit before from self striving will now shift into an abundant harvest as you receive divine strategy from God. You won’t be able to contain the abundance of blessing. Key Strategy and Abundance Scripture: Luke 5:5-7
God is releasing a new level of the prophetic and hearing His voice with crystal clarity. With this will come a new level of surrender of self-will and a new level of walking in obedience to God’s will. God wants us to press into this.
Key Hearing God Scripture: John 5:19-20
God is going to release to His people the Spirit of wisdom and revelation releasing not just a deeper revelation of the prophetic word, but a deeper revelation of God Himself. We are going to go deeper in our knowledge of Him and as a result we will do only what we see the Father doing. Key Revelation Scripture: Eph 1:17
As a result of deeper revelation into God’s heart, His people will also walk with a deeper faith. God is granting the faith to move mountains and see every obstacle and hindrance removed. Key Faith Scripture: Mt 21:21-22
These are some highlights from a prophetic word I preached on January 2, 2015 as we entered the New Year. If you would like to hear the word in it’s completion as it was preached under the anointing you can receive it here. It’s available in both CD and MP3. I encourage you to sow this word into your heart and let God catapult you into 2015!
Click here to order the CD
Click here to order the MP3