God told me you would be like a “walking flame of fire.”
There was such a prophetic flow last week on our live stream. Wave after wave of God’s presence hit the broadcast. It lasted for 2 hours!
I had a dream two weeks ago. I was in a large gathering filled with Christians worshipping God. I saw what looked like a liquid fire anointing. It was so tangible and so transferrable. I saw it going from one person to the next.
Then the next night I woke myself up out of my sleep preaching out loud and praying in tongues. I was saying, “There’s a new baptism of fire coming! We need the fire of God!” Then I began to pray in tongues as sound of my voice woke me up.
I remember a service I was in several years ago. During the morning meeting I was scheduled to teach, but during worship I felt a tangible pillar of fire right next to me on the front row. The church air was cold, but this presence was burning hot. God said to me, “I have sent a Seraphim angel into the meeting.” God’s presence filled the place and I never did get to teach my message.
That night we gathered again. On the way to the church I turned to my team and asked, “Are you hot? I’m so hot!” They said, “No Matt. It feels cold.” Everyone was wearing coats, scarves and hats. We were in an old stone church building with no heat and it was during winter. As I stood to the pulpit to preach, God struck me mute. I stood there looking at hundreds of people waiting for me to say something. But I couldn’t open my mouth. Then something unusual started to happen. The air started getting hot. People started peeling off every extra layer of clothing. They started opening the church windows! People started running out of the church screaming, “The fire of God is in the church!” Others were crawling out as well.
The tangible fire of God swept through the sanctuary. And I will tell you what happened. People were healed, set free and delivered from strongholds that had been in their lives for years! There was a deep cleansing that brought intense freedom.
I believe God’s fire is coming again. It will be like a liquid fire anointing that will spread from one person to the next.
I had this vision of Christians looking like walking flames of fire. I wrote about this in my new book, God’s UNSTOPPABLE Breakthrough.
God wants you to know during this season, that His GRACE, His LOVE, His FREEDOM, His GLORY and His POWER are UNSTOPPABLE in your life.
I encourage you to get my NEW BOOK and step into God’s unstoppable blessings for your life.
NO DEMON, NO PERSON, NO CIRCUMSTANCE can stop God’s blessing and plan for your life.
In reading Matt Sorger’s book, I’ve never heard such powerful revelation about going over the wall of impossibilities in your life! It’s BIBLICAL, UNSTOPPABLE and WORKS! Get back in the game! Your best is yet to come! Sid Roth
God’s Unstoppable Breakthroughby Matt Sorger is a timely message. Every challenge you face in life can potentially turn into your greatest blessing. Matt shares testimony and revelation that will help you position yourself for sustained breakthrough in any situation. I recommend this book!
Patricia King
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God's Unstoppable Breakthrough Book - signed and prayed over by Matt
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Matt Sorger is a part of the New Breed of Revivalist who do not labor for a Breakthrough that is someday going to come, but he is among those who Proclaim the Breakthrough is already here because of the completed work of the Cross of Christ Jesus! I know Matt, his family and ministry well. It is my honor to commend to you not only his message but the messenger as well. James W Goll
Where we live, the breakthroughs people need are extreme — there is hunger, poverty, illness, and despair. The victories of heaven’s Kingdom are always greater than anything else in this world, and last forever — beyond any trial or tribulation! Let our anointed friend Matt Sorger fill you with encouragement in this truth, which we have trusted on each and every day of ministry for thirty years. Heidi G. Baker, Ph.D.