Healing of Identity by Stephanie Sorger

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Prophetic Teaching by Stephanie Sorger

Who Are You?

I can remember a pivotal moment four years ago, looking into a mirror like I did countless times before. Except this time was different. I stared straight into my eyes and was suddenly confronted with a question: “Stephanie, who are you?” It was a question begging to be answered, a question that surfaced inside of me and since then has started a journey with God of unveiling my true identity. I would internally answer, “You are a great student, an English major, an exceptional athlete. You are your achievements.” And even, “You are your mistakes.” None of these answers satisfied that lingering question booming within me. I was desperate to be defined by something greater, something more substantial than a grade on my report card.

He Called Me Daughter

In 2012, I lived in Africa for 3 months serving at Heidi and Rolland Baker’s ministry base in Pemba, Mozambique. Little did I know that the beautiful orphans that I played with in the red dirt would carry the answer to my question. God began to strip labels and identities that I had walked with for my entire life. Labels that I had placed on myself. Labels that others had placed on me. They were good labels, even labels to aspire to, and others were negative and debilitating. Everything that I defined myself by was taken away from me, until I felt like two empty naked hands before God. And in that place, God named me. He called me “Daughter.”

God Loves You for You

Matthew 3:16-17 reads, “The moment Jesus came up out of the baptismal waters, the skies opened up and He saw God’s Spirit – it looked like a dove – descending and landing on Him. And along with the Spirit a voice: “This is my Son, chosen and marked by My love, delight of My life.” This scripture amazes me. Before Jesus began His ministry, before He performed miracles, before He did any of the love-filled, grace-infused works of His life, His identity as a Son of God, as a child, was affirmed by His Heavenly Father. Not only that, God openly shared His approval and pleasure in His son, before His son “did” anything. This shows us that the approach of viewing our deeds, accomplishments or failures as a thermometer measuring whether you deserve love and approval, reveals a lack within ourselves in understanding how God truly sees us. He loves you for you! From this place you can minister and be active knowing that you are first and always affirmed and marked by His love.

You are Not an Orphan

God picked us and adopted us as sons and daughters. He gave us all the rights as a child of God. When an adoption takes place, everything from the parent transfers over to the child. Orphans function as if they do not have a heavenly Father. They are in fear that they won’t have enough and think only about themselves and their own survival. Sons and daughters know that God is a God of more than enough and that all He has is theirs.

You Can Be Free from False Identities

I believe that understanding our identity in God is fundamental. There is so much more that I share about my personal journey in my teaching Ministering from Your True Identity. This teaching will set you free from false identities and will give you greater insight into how God sees you. It is available in CD and MP3 format.

Warmest Blessings,



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