Have you ever been so stressed out that you lost your peace, joy or even physical health? I have experienced times like this. In moments of great stress, God began to teach me how to steward my soul.
Health professionals say that 90% of all diseases, both mental and physical, all come down to stress. WOW! Stress is the root of everything, and sadly, people don't know how to handle and cope with stress anymore. Technology and social media compounds it even more with information overload and constant comparison.
"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers" (3 John 1:2, NKJV).
When we think of prosperity, we often think of finances and material possessions. But biblical prosperity is so much more than that!
John prays that we would prosper and be in health. He also prays that our soul would prosper. Prosperity is abundance in every area of life. This includes abundance of physical health and well-being, abundance of provision, health in our mind and thinking, health in our spirit and health in our emotions.
God wants you to have a healthy soul.
You can experience prosperity beyond your finances, provision and physical health. You can have a prosperous soul. A prosperous soul is full of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. It is full of freedom on the inside. It is content, happy and at peace.
So many people live tormented in their emotions. They are unhealthy on the inside. They are stressed out, burned out, angry, resentful, anxious, worried and just lack the peace Jesus died to give them.
You don't have to live like this.
But you must learn how to steward your soul. When you steward your heart correctly, you cultivate an internal health that overflows into your physical body and mind. When you are healthy on the inside, you can experience divine health on the outside and also maintain a constant joy and peace. It's a beautiful and blessed way to live!
Keys to Steward Your Soul
1. Forgive quickly. Don't hold onto resentment and bitterness. Clear your heart quickly of offense toward others. Offense will quickly rob your joy and defile you on the inside.
2. Guard the words that come out of your mouth. 1 Peter 3:10 (AMPC) says, "For let him who wants to enjoy life and see good days [good—whether apparent or not] keep his tongue free from evil and his lips from guile (treachery, deceit)." Choose not to talk badly about other people, especially if they have offended you. Then you can enjoy life and have a healthy soul.
3. Stay full of God's presence and Word. When you soul is full of the Holy Spirit, there will be an overflow of joy that you experience. His presence brings joy.
4. Choose to think on good, positive things. Take negative thoughts captive and set your mind on things that are praiseworthy and good. Negative thoughts will corrupt your soul and rob your peace and well-being.
5. Choose to bless and pray for others, especially if they have hurt you in any way. Don't just forgive others, but pray blessing and happiness on them.
1 Peter 3:9 says, "Never return evil for evil or insult for insult [avoid scolding, berating, and any kind of abuse], but on the contrary, give a blessing [pray for one another's well-being, contentment, and protection]; for you have been called for this very purpose, that you might inherit a blessing [from God that brings well-being, happiness, and protection]."
6. Shut the door on unnecessary drama. Choose what stress to which you open your heart and soul. Learn to say no to unnecessary drama and other people's drama. Their drama is not your drama. Protect the peace and joy in your heart.
7. Relax. Learn how to breathe deeply and have peaceful prayer and worship times. And don't make small things a big deal. Learn to let go of things rather than making issues out of them.
8. Cast your cares on God. Don't carry your own burdens. Through prayer, release the things that are stressing you out, and receive God's peace instead.
You can steward your soul well and protect your quality of life from stress and negativity. Stress does not have to win in your life. I teach on stewarding your soul in my new book, God's Unstoppable Breakthrough. If you haven't gotten it yet you can using this link.
Book - God's UNSTOPPABLE Breakthrough
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Offer #2 - God's Unstoppable Breakthrough Book & Unstoppable Blessings 7 Part MP3 Teaching Set
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Offer #3 - God's Unstoppable Breakthrough book, Unstoppable Blessings 7 Part MP3 Teaching Set, Mentoring in Breakthrough MP4 Video Course
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So I am giving you a very special offer with this teaching email.
Get the Presence Driven Life set and receive Understanding Biblical Prosperity set COMPLETELY FREE.
The Presence Driven Life - 4 part teaching set
Does life have you stressed out and feeling depressed and overwhelmed? Then this series is for you! You will learn how to apply God’s word and power to your everyday life. Filled with lots of humor, Matt teaches how to overcome the negatives of life and turn even the worst situations around. You will learn the secrets to supernatural joy and how to start really enjoying the life God has given you. You will become presence driven, not stress driven. Get ready to breakthrough, overcome and be the happiest person you can be!
Teachings Include:
Stress Free Living
How to Overcome the Negatives of Life
The Presence Driven Life
Nine Keys to Living in Supernatural JoyUnderstanding Biblical Prosperity - 3 part teaching set
God has called you to be blessed in every area of your life. No matter what your circumstances are, you can rise above and live in God’s joy, rest, peace and power. In this series, Matt teaches you how to breakthrough into a place of rest and how to enjoy true biblical prosperity, including complete financial freedom. God does want to bless you! But it’s prosperity with a purpose. Listen and discover the secret to a life of God’s abundant blessings.
Teachings Include:
The Spirit of the Overcomer
Breakthrough into Rest
Living in Biblical Prosperity
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