This past December the church celebrated the home-going of a general in the faith, Dr. Oral Roberts. He led millions to the Lord during his earthly ministry and stewarded one of the most powerful healing anointings this world has ever seen. He carried a tremendous mantle from the Lord.
As I was praying in December the Lord placed on my heart to begin to add an evangelistic miracle crusade dimension to the conferences we host. Much of our gatherings have been to equip and empower the believer to move in a deeper dimension of God’s glory. I have felt to add to these gatherings a time where we focus specifically on praying for the sick and offering salvation to the lost.
Our first Miracle Crusade will be held Sunday, January 10 at 6pm at Church on the Sound in Stony Brook, NY. This glory healing service will directly follow our New Year Prophetic Glory Gathering which will be held on Jan 8-9, 2010, also at Church on the Sound. The conference will focus on hearing what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church in this hour and the Miracle Crusade will focus on salvation for the lost and healing for those sick on body.
There is no registration required for the Miracle Crusade on January 10. Doors will open at 4pm. Service will promptly start at 6pm. Seats will be available on a first come first serve basis. I encourage you to bring out your unsaved family and friends and those who are in need of healing. A salvation call will be given and prayer will be offered for the sick. Please arrive as early as you can to secure your seat.
Come and Expect a Miracle!
In His Love and Service,
Matt Sorger