We just launched a new podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network!
It's a fresh, supernatural podcast with special guest appearances from today’s Spirit-empowered influencers as well as teaching series from Matt Sorger that will empower you to live a life saturated with the glory of God, overflowing His presence everywhere you go.
Glory Living is about so living in God’s presence that you lack no good thing. You will learn how to be free in your identity, to live in God’s presence and power, see freedom and breakthrough in your life, walk in miracles and healing, and experience the supernatural glory of God every day of your life.
You can listen & subscribe on Itunes, Google Play, Spotify and wherever podcasts are played.
Click below to listen to them & to subscribe so you don't miss one! They are powerful and anointed!
Seeing Nations Shaken by God’s Power
Interview with Heidi Baker
Do you long to have an impact on your world
and live a life of fruitfulness, purpose, power and fulfillment? Join
us as we talk with Heidi Baker who is seeing nations shaken by God’s
power through her relationship with the Holy Spirit.
How to Overcome Oppression
Do you sometimes feel oppressed and you
don’t know how to make it go away? In this two-part series, we are going
to learn how to overcome feelings of oppression and shut every door the
enemy may have access to in your life.
Are You a Feeler?
Navigating the Gift of Discernment
Are you a “feeler”? A feeler is someone who
can sense things in the spirit realm. They sometimes experience
unnecessary spiritual warfare. In this series, you will learn how to
rise above what you feel and discern from God’s glory.
Creating a Sickness Free Glory Zone
Do you want to create a sickness free glory
zone around your life, family and church? In this multi-part series,
you will discover a powerful truth that will protect you from sickness
and premature death. God not only wants to heal you, but He wants to
empower you with divine health.
Going Higher in the Glory
Interview with Patricia King
Join us as we talk with Patricia King about
how to see an increase of God’s glory in and through your life. Learn
how God’s glory is freely given to us and how it transforms us.
Break the Power of Offense
The free-will choices and behavior of
others can’t stop God’s blessings on you. The strategies of the enemy
can’t stop God’s blessings on you. However, undealt with offense is one
of the greatest blessing killers I know. In this podcast series, you are
going to learn how to overcome every offense and be totally free to
experience God’s blessings!
The Power of the Prophetic
Interview with Cindy Jacobs
What is the role of the prophet in society,
in the nation, in politics? Prophet Cindy Jacobs describes the
functions of the prophet in the world and offers guidance on becoming a
prophet yourself.
Finding the Love of Your Life
I meet so many single Christians with lots
of questions on dating and marriage. I want to tell you, God has a
covenant mate for you. You are never too old or too late to experience
the fulfillment of God’s promises for you.
Identifying Red Flags and Healthy Boundaries
In this episode, we teach you how to find
the goldmine and not the landmine. Learn strategies on what to look for
while you’re dating and getting to know someone.
Interview with John Bevere
Author John Bevere brings us to a new
understanding about grace and power and answers the question about
whether God is "in charge" or not.
Your New Identity - God Refines You
You can overcome every trauma, pain and abuse and be completely transformed in the rest of God.