While on my recent trip to New Zealand we witnessed and experienced an outpouring of the Holy Spirit within the Catholic Church. We were invited to come and minister to the Catholics by Brother Andrew of Christ the King Church in New Zealand. They were very open and very hungry to experience the power of the Holy Spirit and were very Christ centered in their faith and theology. There is truly a deep love for Jesus and a hunger for the Holy Spirit in the Catholic Church in New Zealand. It was wonderful to worship with them!
As the meetings began they greeted us with a special New Zealand tribal dance and welcome. There was a great move of spiritual unity not only between the people groups and cultures but also between Christian denominations. Not only were Catholics present in the meetings, but also Baptists, Pentecostals, Non-Denominational churches and more. This was also a great breakthrough and was the first time some of these churches ever met and worshipped together.
Throughout the meetings Jesus was exalted, the message of grace and faith was preached and hundreds publicly proclaimed and renewed their faith in Jesus Christ receiving God’s grace, love and forgiveness!
The Catholic community in New Zealand consists of many races, tongues and tribes from India, Samoa, Korea, Africa and of course, New Zealand. The people burned with a hunger for God and a passion and love for Jesus. They were so hungry to learn all they could about the Holy Spirit and His power operating in their lives. We did several in depth teaching sessions with them during the day on subjects including God’s grace and faith, the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the anointing of the Spirit. We also had many times of prayer and impartation for many to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for the first time along with the activation of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Each service as we opened the altars for prayer the presence and glory of God would sweep through the meetings filling many with a fresh anointing and passion for God. Many healings took place as Matt called out words of knowledge on mass and personally prayed for the multitudes. Many received breakthroughs from past hurts, experienced the forgiveness and freedom from their sins and received divine healing in their bodies.
Many received healing as the miracle power of God was manifested. Here’s one such testimony.
Hi there, I'm submitting this on behalf of an elderly friend, who is computer illiterate! When Matt came to New Zealand last week, four of us went up to the meeting on the Thursday night at the Catholic Church. We had no idea why, but God did! My friend Nola who is in her early 70's has had severe heart problems for a very long time. She has a hole in her heart, has had septicemia, the left ventricle of her heart didn't work, her heart swelled to the size of a rugby ball, and because of severely low blood pressure she was inoperable and had to be monitored by medication. Matt called her out three times, even standing up on the chairs to pray over the section Nola was in. She had on a purple shirt, and he said that God was going to roll back the years and increase her life and that she would have a new heart, amongst other things. Well, Nola went to the cardiologist earlier this week, and the left ventricle is ALIVE and aligned with the other side. Her heart looks well and new and the doctors have majorly lessened her medication. She feels 'normal' for the first time and is busy testifying to all who will listen about what God has done for her. Praise Jesus, Nola (who has had an incredibly sad and hard life) is having revival at her age and thank God that Matt called her out. Thanks heaps, many blessings to you.
Sandi Clewett
As Matt taught on the anointing and gifts of the Holy Spirit many received fresh revelation and insight into the ways of God. Many were filled to overflowing and moved to a deeper place in their faith. Matt’s mom, Veronica, also ministered on the theme of grace and faith and many Catholics received a deeper revelation of the power of God’s grace in their lives. Many received a powerful anointing from the Lord.
Please join us in prayer for what the Lord is doing within the Church in New Zealand.
Lord Jesus, we pray that Your body would be one as You are one with the Father. Continue to release a fresh wave of Your Holy Spirit throughout the Catholic Church and all Christian believers in America, New Zealand and the nations around the world. Revive us in Your way, draw us close to You. Turn our hearts after Your heart and continually fill us with the blessing of your glory and presence. May the revelation of faith and grace and Your healing power come to all who call on the name of the Lord out of a pure heart. In Jesus name. Amen.