Where We’ve Been in 2014:
8 Countries, 14 States, 130 Glory Meetings
In 2014, MSM ministered in over 130 healing, glory and prophetic meetings in 8 countries and 14 states.Thousands of lives have been touched by God’s presence and power!
It was a highlight to minister with Prophet Chuck Pierce in TX at his ‘Starting the Year Off Right’Conference. We also had a great time with Cal Pierce of the International Healing Rooms ministering at his gathering in Spokane, WA, as well as speaking for Joan Hunter in Texas. It was an honor to host Joshua Mills and Barbara Yoder at our annual Glory, Signs & Wonders Conference in New York and to host Stacey Campbell in North Carolina. It was also wonderful to spend time with Prophet Cindy Jacobs for several days at her Prophetic Roundtable in Texas. In August of 2014, MSM became officially aligned with HIM, the apostolic network under the leadership of Apostle Che Ahn.
In January of 2015, I ministered at the HIM Prophetic Conference, NEXT, and was commissioned as an HIM prophet with the laying on of hands by Apostle Che Ahn and Prophets James Goll, Patricia King, Stacey Campbell, Shawn Bolz and others in HIM leadership.
What Our Monthly Partners Have Accomplished
Our monthly partners have brought healing, freedom and transformation to thousands of people all over the world! Your partnership has enabled this ministry to deepen the word of God in people’s hearts, transform their thinking, and usher them into a life-transforming encounter with God’s glory and love. You can read about the lives and stories of those who have been impacted below.
Because of monthly partner giving, MSM has been able to drill six water wells in Africa. This has brought clean drinking water to entire communities reaching a potential 20,000 people! We could not have done this without our partners. Not only did these villages receive clean water, but they also received the gospel, with many being saved. The gospel is not just words, but it is power and it is love in action. Every prayer you have prayed and every dollar given has advanced the gospel in very real ways. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Power in Testimony
God has been doing amazing things through MSM! Here’s just a few changed lives!
“As you turned around I literally felt this thick, liquid, anointing leave you and hit me until it just enveloped me. Since then I cannot stop shaking. What's been so awesome is this constant awareness of his Presence around me all day. Praise Jesus! Thank you so much.”
~ Me Chell, CA
“My friends and I found ourselves laughing with such joy and felt the Holy Spirit in a way that we never had before. I ended up on the floor and God ministered to me deeply. I got up changed, everyone around me has noticed! I've never enjoyed my life and walk with Jesus as much as I do now. I'm overflowing! We are operating in all kinds of spiritual gifts and worship fills our house day and night!”
~ Fiona, Australia
“Matt mentioned there was someone with anxiety so bad it was messing with their nervous system. The power of God was so strong that I started screaming and crying. It took 3-4 people to get me to the altar. I dropped to my knees and as Matt prayed for me, I felt something heavy lift from me. I felt light and peaceful. And that was the end of my anxiety.”
~ Laura, TX
“When Matt came to Hawaii for our Awakening Conference, Larry was determined to come out. Suffering from Prostate Cancer that had spread to his bones (neck, shoulder, and leg), he was in a desperate place physically, though his heart was full of hope in Jesus. His leg hurt so badly he almost didn't make it to the conference, but he grabbed a cane and showed up. On Sat night in the Spirit you called out healing for cancer and Larry went up. Afterward, he knew something happened because he walked out without needing the cane! On Sunday he had a previously scheduled MRI. On Monday he got a call from his doctor who said, "I don't believe it. There is absolutely NO cancer in your leg! It's not in your bone. There's no cancer even in the soft tissue!" Larry was HEALED by the power of Jesus.”
~ Pastor Michael, HI
Become a Monthly Partner
We believe when you sow into the anointing of God, we reap an abundant harvest! Partner together with the anointing on MSM and help us reach more lives with God’s glory and healing power. As a partner you will receive a new CD &MP3 teaching from Matt every month and come under the ministry’s prayer covering.