has over 200 beautiful rescued children that we are throwing a big
Christmas party for to replace past trauma with blessing, love and joy.
It will be filled with singing, dancing and lots of gifts for them!
Matching Fund Opportunity!
We have a donor who has pledged to give a dollar for EVERY dollar you give, up to $5,500!
How It Works:
You give $100. They match your donation with another $100, doubling your impact.
You give $0. They give $0.
So we need you help to maximize this opportunity.
Here's What You Can Do!
Special Christmas Donation - $100
Includes: Christmas party, new clothes, new shoes, beautiful jewelry, fun toys, food and needs for the homes.
For all of this the cost is $100 per child.
A donation of $50 covers half the needs of a child. $100 covers a full child.
I want to be a part of this amazing MATCHING FUND CAMPAIGN to bring JOY
to a rescued sex-trafficked & abandoned child for Christmas!
A Free Gift from Matt to You
As a special thanks for your donation of any amount I will send you my newest teaching download, The Greatest of These is Love.
I believe it will be a great blessing to you.
Ways to Give
- Online by CLICKING HERE.
- By check.
Please make the check payable to Rescue1 and write "Christmas" in the
memo section. Mail check to Rescue1 PO Box 632 Waxhaw, NC 28173
- By phone. Call our office at 631-696-4950 to make your donation
Thank you in advance for acting so quickly
so we can bring joy to these lost and forgotten ones who have been found
and rescued by Jesus and our Rescue1 outreach.
We thank you for your love & generosity!
~Matt, Stephanie & the Rescue1 Team