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March 18th, 2013

I came from a hindu background.i was a priest in ahindu goddes in my place.i lived like wise 28 years.that time i dont have peace and joy in my life.through one of the pastor i receive jesus christ is my saviour.now i want to tell this good news of jesus christ to all of my indians and all creature.thats why i started ministry Universal Good News Ministries in 2000.plese pray for me and my family and my ministry in india and join with us for kingdom of God extention. Rev.S.Sreenivasulu-PHILIP INDIA.


Category: Missions

Testimony from India

October 21st, 2006

Hi, When we went to the girls’ orphanage it was very uplifting and encouraging. There were about 20 girls there from ages of about 11-19. They were beautiful. I would have to say that visiting them was the best part of the trip. Matt released prophetic words of destiny over many of them. They are raised up with the word of God being a part of their everyday life at least twice a day. We gave out some gifts to them and played with them. They called us Auntie and showed us around their home. They even gave us a little concert. They are beautiful!! It was very sad to leave them. It would be awesome to be able to spend more time with them and develop a relationship with them. I feel that they encouraged us more than we encouraged them. It was awesome to see how the Lord is healing these girls and raising them up (even though I don't know their individual stories, I know that they must have gone through some horrible, traumatic events that were out of their control). They are truly beautiful!!! Also the Pastor Conferences and Crusades were truly a blessing. All the people there are very humble, loving and desperate. It was a privilege/blessing to me to be able to even have a chance to minister/pray and encourage them. At the Crusades there were miracles that took place. There was a boy whose foot was curled up for 3 years and it uncurled. There was another that was unable to straighten out their arm and they were able to straighten it. A crippled boy was able to walk. Tumors disappeared and there were more healings. The Pastors there honored all of us on our team, by letting our whole team sit on stage, giving us lunch and giving us flowers and at the last Crusade they gave each team member a shawl. At one of the conferences they even had a marching band lead us in a procession. These people are very poor and have nothing and they gave us everything!! It blew me away!!! It again was a blessing to be to be able to encourage/minister and pray with them. They are beautiful!! God Bless, Denise


Category: Missions

The Lord is rewarder of those who diligently seek Him

October 21st, 2006

Before I begin to share a few quick testimonies of what I experienced in India I sense it is equally important to shed some insight into my life prior to this trip. For over a year I had been in the wilderness of my life. Although more often then not.. I felt like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. The Lord had been rasing the standard of holiness in my life, as well as: renewing my mind, creating a desperate hunger for him (again), and teaching me about obedience upon many other percepts and principals. In my heart I was allowing the Lord to put me upon his potter's wheel knowing that obedience to his touch was an act of faith that would not go unrewarded... In Hebrews 11:6 it says, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. And I was rewarded one hundred fold what I had sown!!! My first life changing experience occurred at the orphanage. For years I had prayed for the experience Heidi Baker had of looking into the eyes of Jesus. Oh how I longed to look into his eyes and be transformed by the power of his love. This is the place I looked into this eyes. As I entered the orphanage I expected to gazed upon faces of hurting, hopeless and broken children that I could love with his heart. The Lord broke me as I looked into the eyes of these children who had been so ship wrecked by the circumstances of life to see them looking at me with all the love, hope and peace, a person can obtain through knowing Jesus. As they loving interacted with me...I knew I was looking upon the face and heart of Jesus. I told one of them that when people came into their home to minister to them that the Lord was actually using them to minister. This sweet young teenager just looked at me, smiled and nodded her head. For she knew that this well better than those of us who were there. Her humility and grace overwhelmed me. I longed to be that solid in his embrace, and because of those beautiful ones who Jesus died for, I now am. The second experience I had that will forever mark a turning point in my relationship with the Holy Spirit was the leper colony. Before I ever left for India I knew this was the one place I was called to minister. As we entered the colony I could feel the Spirit of the Lord imparting his heart to me for these beautiful ones. I knew that the lepers had been rejected and abandoned by all, even his own people and that he was asking me to breakdown the barriers that kept them from receiving his love. As the lepers gathered around Matt to hear the word, the Lord had me sit in the dirt with them. His love for them was burning so deeply within my soul that many of the lepers were drawn into the loving gaze of my eyes which was actually his eyes gazing upon them. When they would have eye contact with me their beautiful faces would light up as they began to experience his love and acceptance. It was so glorious!! Then they Lord began to physically touch them, though me ( I was hugging them and kissing them). I was touching the parts of their bodies that had been so ravaged by this horrible disease. I had no fear or reservation at all about what I was doing. I was so filled with his heart for these precious ones all I could do was...give. One of the lepers in particular touched my heart. Her name was Mary Fatiqia. I sat next to Mary in the dirt. The Lord's heart burned within me so deeply for her. I reached out for her hand and held it as we sat in dirt listening to people sharing the love o f Jesus with them. At one point I was lead to put my arm around her and shortly after doing so she brokenly collapsed into my lap weeping. Oh how the love of God swept over us in that moment of grace. Jesus came to heal the broken hearted and now he was being resurrected within me by the Holy Spirit to do it again two thousand years after his death...because he is alive within our bodies when we die to ourselves. After the time of sharing the word, and ministering to them through powerful Holy Spirit filled prayer I hung out with Mary and many other of the women lepers. Their faces were shining with the glory of acceptance and joy as we exchanged embraces and I allowed them to kiss my face. You see it is better to give than to receive and they needed to be afforded the opportunity to give as well. They needed not only to receive the love but to give it. Allowing them to kiss my face was just as powerful for them as me kissing theirs. This was bringing the experience to a full circle. Never in my life have I experienced the love of God so powerfully within my little being. For I AM, know I am no more than a speck of dirt, but as I sat in the dirt with those lepers, I experienced how powerful that speck of dirt can become when it is fully submitted to the will of it's Master. Oh how I had prayed to know him as Master. The beauty of knowing the Master surpasses all things. The dynamics of the relationship of the servant and Master are ones that are uncomparable to so many of the vast riches he allows us to partake in, in the glory of his kingdom. I pray that we the American church would one day come out of our complacency to know him as our wonderful Master. More than the experience at the leper colony, what had the greatest impact on me was the increased intimacy I experienced with the Holy Spirit. I have always had a heightened awareness of Holy Spirit but never as I now have. During one of our free afternoons, which we were granted the opportunity to go shopping or do whatever we desired I was persuaded by the Holy Spirit to spend the afternoon in prayer, worship and intercession for the crusade that evening. As I engaged in his presence I was taken up. I did not see anything yet I knew I had broken through the veil into his presence. From this point forward everything changed for me. All I longed for was the presence of Holy Spirt. He was always there, right next to me. I am unable to articulate in words the depth of this new relationship I embarked upon with the Lord through my experience for I am still in much transition in allowing this deeper walk to unfold here in the states but I do know if I had not been obedient to responding to the call to go to India that I would still be in the wilderness, waiting for my breakthrough. For God's word says that, obedience is greater than sacrifice. Therefore I would like to encourage anyone who is hearing the call of GOD to go with MSM on a missions trip...GO!! You will never be the same again. He has something there for you that will forever change your relationship with him for his glory if your are willing to allow his rod and staff to comfort you. May the grace, peace, joy and love of our glorious Savior rest upon your life, In His service and care, Vicky B. "firegirl"


Category: Missions

India Revival Report Two

June 5th, 2004

10,000-12,000 HEAR THE GOSPEL!!! OVER A THOUSAND RESPOND TO THE GOSPEL! After sending out our first report on the India Miracle Crusade, the pastor we worked with in India e-mailed me that over a thousand responded to the gospel between those at the crusade and those watching from their homes. He shared with me today "Every day people are coming and sharing with us that they accepted Jesus as their personal Savior." We thank God for such a harvest of souls! EYES HEALED AFTER A WORD OF KNOWLEDGE IF GIVEN Responding to a word of knowledge about pain behind the eyes, a girl testified of her eyes being healed and all the pain leaving after we cast out the demon. Another woman's foot was instantly healed! A MAN FELL 40 FEET OUT OF A MANGO TREE AND WAS HEALED! There was a man who had testified to falling 40 feet out of a mango tree. He had injured 4 vertebrae. He felt a shaking in his body as the power of God went through him. He could also feel a cool sensation down his back removing the pain. There was another man with pain in his legs for years. He had taken medication and injections and nothing helped. God's power touched him and he came the next night to the crusade riding a bicycle! 3 WOMEN'S DEAF EARS OPEN! THREE women testified to their deaf ears opening up! WOMAN COULDN'T WALK FOR 6 MONTHS-HEALED! A woman testified to not being able to walk for 6 months. After the power of God touched her she could walk! HINDU FAMILY FROM THE BRAHMAN PRIESTLY CLASS HEALED, DELIVERED AND SAVED! There were 3 ladies from the same family healed and saved, including a mom and two daughters. They were part of the upper Brahman priestly class of Hindus. The mother was delivered from demonic possession and healed in her leg. One of the daughters eyes were healed and the other daughter was delivered from a demonic spirit and healed of psychological problems and fear. All three gave their hearts to Jesus! Another woman testified to her knee and back being healed. TUMORS THE SIZE OF BASEBALLS HEALED! Another young girl was healed of tumors the size of baseballs on both sides of her neck. The tumors completely disappeared! Another woman was healed of stomach pain and back pain. MAN SET FREE FROM MENTAL RETARDATION! There was a man set free from mental retardation and restored to his right mind! Another young boy came forward who's eyes shook in his head. They had become still. There was another young girl who suffered from heart pain for 3 years. All the pain left her. HEALED AT SALVATION! A woman who came forward for the altar call was healed when she gave her life to Jesus. All the pain left her neck, back, head and heart! Another woman testified that Jesus did what no idol could do for her! She had worshipped idols but none could heal her. When she gave her heart to Jesus, Jesus healed her and took all her heart pain away! There was yet another woman healed of heart pain. The power of God overcame her as she fell to the floor shouting "Thank you Jesus!" When she got off the floor all the pain was gone! After a word of knowledge four women were instantly healed of tumors in their abdomen area. HUNDREDS OF YOUNG PEOPLE BAPTIZED IN THE SPIRIT! During one of the morning meetings the Holy Spirit moved in a powerful way filling many of the young people with many of them speaking in tongues for the first time. Even young children began to weep and shake as God's presence moved upon them. MATT DEDICATES A BABY GIRL AND IS ASKED TO GIVE HER A NAME On the Sunday service following the crusade Matt was asked by the parents of a young baby girl to pray over her and give her a name from the Lord. Matt named her Rebekah. That morning while in prayer the father received the same name from the Lord for his daughter. What a powerful confirmation! 600 PASTORS AND LEADERS! Following the crusade Matt ministered to 600 pastors and leaders in a two day conference on the Holy Spirit. Matt ministered for about 8 hours a day preaching, teaching and praying over each pastor and leader. Many received a powerful touch of the Holy Spirit and didn't want the conference to end. The pastors were equipped with the word of God and filled with the power of the Spirit. We are believing for a mighty revival in India! JOIN US FOR AN INTERNATIONAL CRUSADE! For those who would like to lay their hands on the sick and see them healed and be a part of seeing the harvest brought in around the world and receive hands on training in the works of Jesus, then you might want to pray about being a part of a future crusade outreach. Next year we are planning a second crusade in India. You will also have the opportunity to preach the gospel in surrounding villages and be a part of reaping the harvest yourself. Be prepared to lay hands on the sick and cast out demons and see mighty miracles in the name of Jesus! If you would like to be considered as a possible team member for a future crusade please email [email protected]. PARTNER WITH US FOR MASS GLOBAL HARVEST There are many who are becoming partners with this ministry because of the lives that are being transformed and the anointing that God is pouring out through us to reach the nations of the world as well as America. If you would like to become a partner in Global Harvest then please call 631-696-4950 or email us at [email protected] There are many benefits for becoming a partner including a free monthly teaching from Matt, 10% off all ministry resources as well as a lot more! Reach out and touch the world TODAY! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO INVITE MATT IN TO YOUR CHURCH OR AREA FOR HEALING REVIVAL MEETINGS OR FOR A REGIONAL CONFERENCE OR CRUSADE YOU CAN CONTACT HIS OFFICE AT 631-696-4950 OR EMAIL US AT [email protected]. MAY GOD'S HEALING PRESENCE BE YOURS TODAY. India
Category: Missions

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