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Double for your trouble

November 8th, 2020

Amen & Praise the LORD MSM, I sat at my desk one morning and a white ball point pen became visible (all of a sudden it laid at the side of my right elbow.) It was a pen I used in the past but I hadn’t seen it for months. I picked it up and the inscription on the side of the pan read MSM in gold lettering. In my heart I supernaturally was lead to join your E church and give. It’s been over a year that I’ve been giving to the Rescue 1 ministry. One evening during your E Church God asked me to give what I consider an extravagant offering. I did so and the LORD spoke to my heart “watch what I will do.” My money has always multiplied but now it’s really multiplying. My bank account had extra money in it. As I was pulling bills out of my wallet they multiplied. Every time I give to your ministry my money has been multiplying. I know that sounds extreme, but it’s extremely supernatural. I just wanted to take time out and testify about the goodness of the Lord. I never thought I’d ever give a testimony like this. I was one of the believers, yet had unbelief (Lord help my unbelief!). I’m holding onto his promise today and every day I wake up expecting believing and looking for supernatural financial miracles. Because “my Heavenly Father said watch and see what I will do.” Be blessed & may the LORD “richly” fill your home with HIS love & glory. BTW I am believing for “more than” 1000 financial supporters for your ministry. Because God is able to do above and beyond what we could ever dream.


West Haven, CT
Category: Unselected

Syrophoenician Woman

November 8th, 2020

“God Evening” MSM, E Church was awesome this Friday! The revaluation about Mary foreseeing Jesus‘s miracle ministry. As I sat thinking about how blessed my life is and letting God know about my dreams in the ministry He’s called me to. The LORD whispered “Syrophoenician Woman.” I quickly read (cut & paste)...Syrophoenician woman asks Jesus to heal her daughter of demon possession; he initially rebuffs her with a saying, “Let the children be fed first, for it is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs,” which most interpret as a rebuff due to her gentile status. Surprisingly the woman counters Jesus with her own argument, “Sir, even the dogs eat the children’s crumbs.” Jesus responds positively, telling her “Because you have said this [literally “for this word (logos)], the demon has gone out of your daughter.” The woman’s own teaching seems to turn the tide and provoke Jesus’s healing for her daughter. This is sort-of the same experience Mary had. This woman foresaw HER family status to be healed by Jesus (what faith!) I agree & receive your teaching that Jesus is calling ME (and others) to pull take receive every spiritual promise in the BIBLE. Amen - Felicia


West Haven, CT
Category: Unselected

Matts prophecy

August 17th, 2020

Last year My friend from Ga called and told me that Matt was coming to the Gate in Charlotte and God spoke to him and said God was going to touch me through the service. I went and waited through most of the alter call til my arms hurt from being raised as I started back to my seat Matt told me to come back he was going to pray for me and as he was praying for me he prophesied over my life and how I was going to have a deliverance ministry it has been a year now and I have started a ministry and really only preach at tent revivals and our little local church but Freedom By Fire Ministry Is the name God has given me for the ministry and i only have one service on you tube so far but its in motion just like God had spoke to Matt so praise God i am so thankful that God used him to speak life to a ex needle junkie and gang member thank God for such a wonderful ministry as what you guys have

Justin McBurney

Charlotte, NC
Category: Unselected

Perseverance under Trial

July 16th, 2020

It's been a long season of trial and hardship but I stand here today victorious because of the Grace of God. Since June of 2018 I have been on a journey of growth as a man and have faced persecution for my faith as well as rejection and necessary separation from my family. Yet in the process I have grown and seen many healings and have come to understand my worth as God's child. I moved approximately 26 times since June of 2018, have gone on a mission trip to portico, been homeless and have been harassed by people as well as rejected by friends and family. Yet in this God has fathered me in ways my earthly father never did and I have learned perseverance. During this time I came across your ministry Matt and have gleaned much from your life giving messages. I stand here today after seeing the power of God manifest in my life. When I came to South Dakota with not much of a plan, I arrived here with 900 dollars and in the course of two hours I was able to secure a month to month rent and a storage spot as well. They were the last two available. The next day I found a good fellowship to attend and the same day I ended up playing guitar at a wedding that I was paid for. God has opened doors to say the least.

I still need to process and refresh but God is faithful and he will provide! At times I felt like David. Through all this I spent hours with God camping in the woods and read books like Wild at heart and Fathered by God by John Eldridge and it was in this wild wilderness season that I experienced intimacy with God I don't think would have been possible any other way. I now have a place to live and God willing a job starting very soon and I have started writing my book! Praise the Lord! Thank you Matt for the encouragement and the hope you give through your life giving messages. You give me joy! Some times I crack up just watching you! Praise God! The Joy of the Lord is our strength!

James Staskelunas

sioux falls, SD
Category: Unselected

Dreams of Rescuing Children

November 21st, 2019

Dear Matt, I've been wanting to get back in with you partnering after my move, had to buy 4 cars in the past year (2 wrecked) and had to pay back employer for overpaying me, which I had used for one of the cars. They were inconsistent with repayment deductions and this caused some problems, too. Also insurance for my son, all added up. So from May to now I was in dire straits, but now fully recovered!!! So thank you for your prayers and patience. I re-enrolled with 2 children and monthly partnership today!!! Now, for what the LORD has been showing me...Dream earlier this week, I somehow was somewhere where you do Rescue and there were 2 infants in my care, Mexican I believe, and one was healthy and one was injured. I was in a tent and I went to pick up the injured one and I could tell that he was in really bad shape. As I picked him up the only thing I could think to do was to try to nurse him (I had nursed both my boys) and as I began to attempt this, he died in my arms. Then, this morning while I was on the way to work worshiping and praying in the Spirit I saw a girl, about 4-5 years old, and her beautiful smiling face and wavy light brown hair looking up at me, and she was in a literal barrel, a plastic barrel, and being kept there. I started interceding for her and have on and off all morning. And I hear the call and I cry out for these children, for them to know the loving heart of our Father for them, and to be found, rescued, saved, healed and delivered...and I could even see and pray to protect her from her captor and for her to be found...and before I was done praying I saw her standing with Jesus, in Heaven, holding her hands in His. Love and blessings to you!!!

Lucy Roberts

Houston, TX
Category: Unselected

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